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WAI YUEN TONG - Angong Zaizao Wan| 位元堂 - 安宮再造丸 6's

Regular price
$48.45 USD
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$48.45 USD
  • Wai Yuen Tong 位元堂

Made in Hong Kong 
Net Content: 9 g per pill. Each box contains 6 bags. Each bag contains 1 pill.

- 100%香港製造
- 100%國家認可處方
- 根據「中華人民共和國衛生部藥品標準-中藥成方製劑第四冊-醒腦再造丸」處方製成,產品含有36種中藥材,能化痰醒腦,祛風活絡,適用於神志不清、手足拘攣,突發口齒不清
- 心腦血管康復人士、筋骨酸痛手足拘攣長者適用

功能 / 主治:
1. 肝腎功能不全者禁用。
2. 孕婦禁用。
3. 已知有本品或組方藥物肝損傷個人史的患者不宜使用。
使用注意事項: 1. 服藥期間應注意監測肝生化指標,如發現肝生化指標異常或出現全身乏力、食慾不振、厭油、噁心、尿黃、目黃、皮膚黃染等可能與肝損傷有關的臨床表現時,或原有肝生化檢查異常、肝損傷臨床症狀加重時,應立即停藥並就醫。 2. 嚴格按用法用量服用,不超劑量、長期連續服用。 3. 老年人及肝生化指標異常、有肝病史者慎用。 4. 哺乳婦女服藥期間應選擇停止哺乳或停止使用本品。 5. 目前尚無系統的兒童用藥安全性研究資料,兒童應慎用。 6. 已知有本品或其組方藥物肝損傷家族史的患者慎用。 7. 應避免與其他有肝毒性的藥物聯合使用。8.葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症(蠶豆症)患者,請避免使用此產品。


- 100% made in Hong Kong
- 100% recognized by Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China
- Is developed according to the standard of Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China- Xingnao Zaizao Wan. The product contains 36 Chinese herbal medicines.

To resolve phlegm and open the orifices, dispel wind and harmonize collaterals. It is suitable for those who are obnubilation, blurred lalia, kidney deficiency with wilt and impediment, aching pain of the sinew and bone etc. For more details, please refer to packaging insert.
Radix Astragli, Rhizoma Gastrodiae, Margarita (Processed with tofu), Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii, Pheretima, Scorpio (Stinger removed), Arisaema cum Bile, Herba Asari, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma Rubra, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (Processed with bran), Rdix Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Polygoni Multiflori Radix Praeparata, Herba Epimedii, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Radix Scrophulariae, Radix Notoginseng, Herba Agrimoniae, Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum, Radix Aucklandiae, Rhizoma Alismatis and other traditional Chinese medicines.
For oral administration, 1 pill per time, 2-3 times a day.
Net weight 9 gram per pill. Each box contains 6 bags. Each bag contains 1 pill.
Storage Instructions: Store in a dry place at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.
Contraindications: 1. Contraindicated in those suffering from liver or kidney malfunction. 2. Contraindicated in pregnant women. 3. Not recommended for patients with known personal history of liver injury from this product or ingredients in this formula.
Precautions: 1. Biochemical parameters of liver function should be monitored while on use. Stop using the medicine and seek medical consultation promptly if abnormalities are found in the biochemical parameters of liver function, or clinical symptoms possibly related to liver injury such as fatigue, loss of appetite, sick of eating greasy food, nausea, dark urine. yellow eyes and yellow discoloration of the skin are observed, or aggravation of previous abnormalities in biochemical examination of liver and clinical symptoms of liver injury. 2. Use strictly in accordance with the method of usage and dosage. Avoid overdose or prolonged use. 3. Used with caution in the elderly, people with abnormalities in the biochemical parameters of liver function and patients with history of liver disease. 4. Breast-feeding women should either choose to discontinue breast-feeding while this product is on use or stop using this product. 5. Used with caution in children as systematic research data on the safe use of this medicine in children is not available. 6. Used with caution in patients with known family history of liver injury from this product or ingredients in this formula. 7. Should avoid using this product concurrently with other medicines that may cause hepatotoxicity. 8. People with Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)deficiency should avoid using this product.
Registration number of pCm::HKC-18105