FRUTIPS能得利®果汁軟糖及果汁橡皮糖,系列包括黑加侖子、青檸、檸檬、香橙、青蘋果、蘋果、菠蘿和士多啤梨味,煙煙韌韌,一o趙就feel到豐富真果汁! FRUTIPS® Juice Marshmallows and Juices Gummy, a collection of black currants, limes, lemons, oranges, green apples, apples, pineapples and strawberries. To feel real fruit...
FRUTIPS能得利®果汁軟糖及果汁橡皮糖,系列包括黑加侖子、青檸、檸檬、香橙、青蘋果、蘋果、菠蘿和士多啤梨味,煙煙韌韌,一o趙就feel到豐富真果汁! FRUTIPS® Juice Marshmallows and Juices Gummy, a collection of black currants, limes, lemons, oranges, green apples, apples, pineapples and strawberries. To feel real fruit...
Made in Japan 1946年(昭和21年)設立 Purealgumi自推出以來就堅持“果味”和“質感”, 追求水果的原始味道。 通過結合具有不同味道和質地的兩種口香糖,表達了水果中固有的味道。 使用精心挑選的日本產區域的果汁。 它的味道像正宗的水果,咀嚼後立即傳播, 請享雙層口感 外層鬆軟内層Q彈
Made in Japan 1946年(昭和21年)設立 Purealgumi自推出以來就堅持“果味”和“質感”, 追求水果的原始味道。 通過結合具有不同味道和質地的兩種口香糖,表達了水果中固有的味道。 使用精心挑選的日本產區域的果汁。 它的味道像正宗的水果,咀嚼後立即傳播, 請享雙層口感 外層鬆軟内層Q彈
Product of Japan 成份含膠原蛋白肰及維他命C,snack 同時營養補充。酸酸的粉末融化後,軟糖的香甜隨之擴散開來,是一款口感酸甜、讓人恢復精神的軟糖。檸檬可說是帶酸水果的代表,自鮮果實軟糖發售以來,一直是鮮果實軟糖系列的銷售之王。 A refreshing sweet-sour gummy that is rich in Collagen and Vitamin C fruit gummy. The taste starts out with sour powder...
Product of JapanNet Weight 63g A bag of sour powder-coated heart ring gummies with different fruit soda flavors Features 3 soda flavors: melon, grape, and...
Made in Japan Meiji Fruit Gummy Candy combines the sweet and sour flavor from real fruit juice concentrated into each gummy. These grape shaped Japanese...
Made in JapanNetWeight: 51g These orange slice-shaped gummies are made with 100% real Satsuma Mandarin juice. They are chewy and juicy with a sweet citrus...