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ON KEE Premium Variegated Mushroom 安記海味 極品花菇皇 300g

Regular price
$36.38 USD
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Sale price
$36.38 USD
  • ON KEE 安記

Net Weight: 300g

特色 : 花菇適逢在天氣稍涼,雨水較少的二月至三月生長。由於菇肉慢慢生長,所以菇面會呈爆裂花紋,俗稱花菇。肉爽滑,有咬口。
食療價值 :冬菇營養價值十分豐富,含有大量蛋白質,是一種高纖低脂肪的健康食品。
推介菜式 :冬菇除了常見配上花膠,鮑魚以及蠔豉用蠔油燜以外,更可以用作煲湯材料。在雞湯或冬瓜湯中加入冬菇,有提鮮的作用。日常中也有不少菜式可以用到冬菇,如燜排骨和紅燒肉。
煮食方法 :首先要把冬菇洗淨,用清水浸約4-5小時,然後撈起。用少許生油,生粉醃約15分鐘。用水清洗,下鍋燜煮或煲20分鐘。
適合人士 :可以為素食者提供豐富蛋白質。一般群眾均適合食用。 
儲藏方法: 存於通風陰涼處,如需較長時間食用,封好存於0-8℃雪櫃為佳
Features : Grown during February and March when the climate is cooler and have lower rainfall, flower mushroom tends to develop slower, forming a unique pattern on its surface.  The cap of the mushroom is comparatively complete, thick and large in size. Plus, Thick mushroom has its own chewy and hearty texture. 
Nutritive Value :Dried Mushroom is high in nutrient value, containing a lot of protein. It is a high-fibre, low-fat healthy product. 
Suggested Recipe :Mushroom is commonly stewed with oyster sauce, served along with fish maw, abalone and dried oysters. Apart from it, the mushroom could be used for boiling soup. By adding in mushroom to chicken soup or winter gourd soup, it could further bring up the flavour. It could be used in daily dishes like braised ribs and braised pork belly.
Cooking Method : First, cleanse the mushroom thoroughly and soak them in water for roughly 4-5 hours. Then, Scoop them up and marinate them with oil and potato starch for around 15 minutes. After rinsing, stew them for 20 minutes and it's ready to serve. 
Can provide a rich amount of protein for vegetarians. Suitable for the general public to consume. 
Storage Method : Store in a cool and dry place, suggested to sealed and chilled at 0-8 degrees.