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Dried Fruits & Seaweed 果乾及紫菜

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70 of 70 products


The highest price is $25.52

Best Sale
WAHYUEN Crispy Peanut | 華園 蝦子花生 34g
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Net Weight 34g - 港式零食、懷舊港式果仁 - 最佳的伴手禮 - 薄薄的粉漿包著花生,睇波餸酒一流。 - 童年回憶,兒時口味 - 素食皆宜
WAHYUEN - Brittle Peanut Candy | 華園 香脆花生糖 [香港製造] 113.4G
Regular price
$4.65 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$4.65 USD
Regular price
$4.65 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$4.65 USD
產品詳細介紹 -傳統港式小食,重拾港式情懷 - 香港製造 - 花生與糖的比例依照傳統配方,足本港式口味
WAHYUEN - Lemon Liquorice | 華園 甘草檸檬 52g
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
原隻檸檬製作 酸酸甜甜 啖啖滋味 Net weight 52g
WAHYUEN - Lemonade Ginger | 華園 檸汁薑 56g
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
檸汁薑是用了肉薑配上了檸汁做成,味道甜中帶有薑天然的辛味  薑有脾胃虛寒,嘔吐止嘔驅風功能,旅行搭車必備 Net weight 56g
WAHYUEN - Peanuts Thunder Nuts Cladded | 華園 魚皮花生 94g
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Net Weight 94g
WAHYUEN - Peanuts Thunder Nuts Nam Yue Flavor | 華園 霹靂果仁南乳花生 94g
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
$3.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$3.85 USD
Net Weight 94g
WAHYUEN - Sweet Prune Preserved | 華園 甘草甜話梅 28g/47g
Regular price
$2.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$2.85 USD
Regular price
$2.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$2.85 USD
Type a description for this product here...
WAHYUEN - Traditional Peanut Brittler | 華園 古早味花生糖 [香港製造] 110G
Regular price
$5.86 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$5.86 USD
Regular price
$5.86 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$5.86 USD
產品詳細介紹 選用有衣花生,花生味香濃
WORAPORN Thai Pickled Mango 泰國 醃芒果原味 180g
Regular price
$6.99 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$6.99 USD
Regular price
$6.99 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$6.99 USD
Net Weight: 180g Product of Thailan
Regular price
$13.52 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$13.52 USD
Regular price
$13.52 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$13.52 USD
Yan Yue Tong Aged Dried Tangerine Peel 仁御堂 遠年陳皮 50g
Regular price
$25.52 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$25.52 USD
Regular price
$25.52 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$25.52 USD
Net Weight: 1兩#理氣化痰#除濕健脾#順氣止嘔#
Yan Yue Tong Dried Green Kumquat 仁御堂 凍乾青桔 55g
Regular price
$12.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.85 USD
Regular price
$12.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.85 USD
Net Weight: 55g 明目護眼、美容養顏、幫助排便、增強抵抗力、幫助消化 凍乾好處: 可以保留食物嘅營養成份、香味、纖維、色澤。存放更耐亦不會容易變質。沖調方法 :1. 一杯用約3-5粒,加入暖水沖泡,焗5-10分鐘即可飲用。可以加蜂蜜作調味。2. 直接加入梳打水飲用 配搭參考:• 青柑橘 + 羅漢甘果 : 化痰止咳 • 青柑橘 + 老薑絲 : 消脂驅寒 • 青柑橘 + 金盞花...
Yan Yue Tong Dried Hawthorn Fruit Slice | 仁御堂 山楂片 300g
Regular price
$11.42 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$11.42 USD
Regular price
$11.42 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$11.42 USD
每天一杯山楂茶 ‧ 開胃、消脂又降壓!山楂可以清除腸胃有害細菌,有助於消化,具有養肝去脂的功效。長期飲用,具有降脂、消滯、開胃、降血脂、降血壓、防治心脑血管疾病、調經等作用。山楂片 : 每包8両山楂茶製作方法材料:山楂片(可配合桂圓、杞子)作法:先清洗山楂片,放入杯中加熱水泡焗15-20分鐘,待水溫適宜即可飲用.** 可跟據個人口味加入冰糖 / 石峰糖 / 甜葉菊, 令味道更加甜美
Yan Yue Tong Dried Passion Fruit 仁御堂 百香果凍乾 75g
Regular price
$10.52 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.52 USD
Regular price
$10.52 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.52 USD
Net Weight: 75g 【功效】:具抗氧化,膳食纖維,排毒減肥之效【適合人仕】: 皮膚質素較差,減肥人仕,睡眠不佳,受便祕問題困擾人仕飲用 【成份】:百香果塊【功效】:具抗氧化,膳食纖維,排毒減肥之效【適合人仕】: 皮膚質素較差,減肥人仕,睡眠不佳,受便祕問題困擾人仕飲用【沖泡方法】:1) 把百香果塊放入水杯中,加入約85度熱水2) 待溶解後,即可飲用【重量】:75 克【建議使用份量】:2~4粒【保存方式】:請存放於陰涼乾爽處,避免陽光直接照射。【注意事項】:陽虛外寒、脾胃虛弱者、空腹、生理期間、孕婦、哺乳期間、更年期婦女均不建議飲用*長期病患者,或正服用其他藥物人士請先諮詢中醫和家庭醫生意見。*所有花茶切忌冷飲、隔夜飲用*生產此食品的廠房亦處理木本堅果及花生
Yan Yue Tong Dried Pear 仁御堂 雪梨乾 300g
Regular price
$15.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$15.85 USD
Regular price
$15.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$15.85 USD
Net Weight: 300g 清熱潤肺、化痰止咳、生津潤燥 
Yan Yue Tong Dried Preserved Plum | 仁御堂 九制話梅 112g
Regular price
$10.68 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.68 USD
Regular price
$10.68 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.68 USD
生津止渴, 緩解嘔吐 Net Weight: 112g
Yan Yue Tong Dried Tangerine Peel | 仁御堂 陳皮八仙果 300g
Regular price
$16.59 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$16.59 USD
Regular price
$16.59 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$16.59 USD
能紓緩喉部不適 止咳化痰 Net Weight: 300g
Regular price
$22.52 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$22.52 USD
【黃金羅漢果陳皮粉】 化痰止咳好方法 ! 天氣轉涼,氣管成日痕癢,有時重咳到天昏地暗 試下用 “黃金羅漢果陳皮粉” 沖水飲滋潤下啦~ 金羅漢果加入正氣陳皮, 有助化解寒涼、化痰止咳、生津止渴。 只需用熱水一沖,就即刻飲得,方便又簡單!個人即時舒服返晒~
Yan Yue Tong Processed Dried Tangerine Peel | 仁御堂 九制陳皮 112g
Regular price
$11.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$11.85 USD
Regular price
$11.85 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$11.85 USD
Net Weight: 112g
Yiu Fung Store - Licorice Lemon King 75g 么鳳士多 原個甘草檸檬王 75克
Regular price
$8.37 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$8.37 USD
Regular price
$8.37 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$8.37 USD
檸檬擁有豐富的維他命C,味道香甜、帶有清涼的感覺 Lime is rich in vitamin C,the product tastes aromatic sweet with natural fragrance
Yiu Fung Store Denuclear Ruyilan 150g 么鳳士多 去核如意欖 150克
Regular price
$10.86 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.86 USD
Regular price
$10.86 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.86 USD
橄欖含有維生素E,有清熱解毒、利咽化痰等功效Ruylian is made of olive which is rich in Vitamin E, it is good for resolve phlegm and toxin, and clear heat for body.
Yiu Fung Store Dried Ginger 37.5G 么鳳士多 特製冬薑王 37.5 克
Regular price
$14.37 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$14.37 USD
Regular price
$14.37 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$14.37 USD
選用特選冬薑,傳統秘製配方,口感咸甜微辣,潤喉暖胃,止咳驅風 Specially selected winter ginger, traditional secret formula, salty, sweet and slightly spicy taste, moisturizes the throat and warms the stomach, relieves cough and expels...
Yiu Fung Store Dried Lemon 112g 么鳳士多 川貝檸檬 112克
Regular price
$10.90 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.90 USD
Regular price
$10.90 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.90 USD
特選優質原料,堅持傳統手工藝,香港特色涼果Selected high-quality raw materials, adhere to traditional arts and crafts, Hong Kong characteristics preserved fruits
Yiu Fung Store Dried Orange Peel 18.75g 么鳳士多 特級靚陳皮王 18.75克
Regular price
$11.78 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$11.78 USD
Regular price
$11.78 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$11.78 USD
特選新會陳皮,獨家秘製配方,香港傳統手藝製作,可即食可沖水飲,化痰止咳化胃氣 Specially selected Xinhui tangerine peel, exclusive secret formula, made by traditional Hong Kong craftsmanship, ready to eat and drink, reduce phlegm and cough
Yiu Fung Store Dried Plum 37.5g 么鳳士多 清甜話梅 37.5克
Regular price
$12.89 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.89 USD
Regular price
$12.89 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.89 USD
特選優質原料,堅持傳統手工藝,香港特色涼果 Selected high-quality raw materials, adhere to traditional arts and crafts, Hong Kong characteristics preserved fruits
Yuen Long Kei O Peanuts Garlic Flavor|元朗其奧蒜香花生 225g
Regular price
$12.62 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.62 USD
Regular price
$12.62 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.62 USD
小店是元朗一家售賣傳統中式糖果的小店, 服務街坊二十多年, 堅持每日新鮮制作各式糖果。小店的產品全由手工制作, 用料新鮮天然, 而且低糖少甜, 適合各年齡層的客人食用。 產品包括各式傳統花生糖, 果仁糖, 傳統小食, 賀年糖果,二十年來一直致力服務街坊。 像魚皮花生一樣, 內裡是一粒花生, 外面被一層麵粉做的脆皮包裹, 加了蒜蓉後更適合喜歡香口的客人。   淨重: 半磅   最佳食用期: 約6個月      
Yuen Long Kei O Peanuts Red Beancurd Flavor |元朗其奧南乳花生 225g
Regular price
$12.96 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.96 USD
Regular price
$12.96 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.96 USD
小店是元朗一家售賣傳統中式糖果的小店, 服務街坊二十多年, 堅持每日新鮮制作各式糖果。小店的產品全由手工制作, 用料新鮮天然, 而且低糖少甜, 適合各年齡層的客人食用。 產品包括各式傳統花生糖, 果仁糖, 傳統小食, 賀年糖果,二十年來一直致力服務街坊。 商品成份: 花生 淮鹽 香料 砂糖 蒜 增味劑   抗氧化劑不可食用   一包=半磅   最佳食用期: 6個月  ...
Yuen Long Kei O Peanuts Thunder Nuts Cladded |元朗其奧魚皮花生 225g
Regular price
$12.95 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.95 USD
Regular price
$12.95 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.95 USD
小店是元朗一家售賣傳統中式糖果的小店, 服務街坊二十多年, 堅持每日新鮮制作各式糖果。小店的產品全由手工制作, 用料新鮮天然, 而且低糖少甜, 適合各年齡層的客人食用。 產品包括各式傳統花生糖, 果仁糖, 傳統小食, 賀年糖果,二十年來一直致力服務街坊。 商品成份: 花生 米粉 白砂糖 精麵粉 精鹽 色素 增味劑   一包=半磅   最佳食用期: 4個月    ...
Yuen Long Kei O Peanuts with Shrimp Roe |元朗其奧蝦子花生 140g
Regular price
$10.34 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.34 USD
Regular price
$10.34 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$10.34 USD
小店是元朗一家售賣傳統中式糖果的小店, 服務街坊二十多年, 堅持每日新鮮制作各式糖果。小店的產品全由手工制作, 用料新鮮天然, 而且低糖少甜, 適合各年齡層的客人食用。 產品包括各式傳統花生糖, 果仁糖, 傳統小食, 賀年糖果,二十年來一直致力服務街坊。 商品成份: 花生 雞蛋 栗粉 糖 麵粉(含有麩質的穀類) 植物油 鹽,增味劑   一包 = 5安士   最佳食用期: 2個月...
Yuen Long Kei O Shrimp Spring Roll|元朗其奧蝦春卷 170g
Regular price
$12.96 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.96 USD
Regular price
$12.96 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$12.96 USD
小店是元朗一家售賣傳統中式糖果的小店, 服務街坊二十多年, 堅持每日新鮮制作各式糖果。小店的產品全由手工制作, 用料新鮮天然, 而且低糖少甜, 適合各年齡層的客人食用。 產品包括各式傳統花生糖, 果仁糖, 傳統小食, 賀年糖果,二十年來一直致力服務街坊。 商品成份: 麵粉 糖 蝦乾(甲殼類動物) 植物油(棕櫚油) 辣椒 增味劑   一包=6安士   最佳食用期: 2個月      

Items 41 to 70 of 70 total