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RYUKAKUSAN Throat Refreshing Drop Candy Shekwasha Flavor | 龍角散 潤喉糖青檸味 88G

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$6.40 USD
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$6.40 USD
  • Ryukakusan 龍角散


 龍角散在日本已經有200多年曆史了, 因為有良好的療效和無副作用深受日本人喜愛。

龍角散喉糖對嗓子不適, 吸煙過多, 感冒引起的喉嚨腫痛, 咳嗽不止均有明顯的緩和效果。

19種草藥精華提取, 配合13種草藥提取精華, 富含維他命C, 潤喉清喉止咳。

長久咳嗽不治, 除痰止咳,清肺、痰多,咽喉腫痛、咽喉炎症的效能。

特別是秋冬季節, 早晚溫差大, 容易引起長久的咳和痰咳。

混合沖繩縣香檸, 清嗓

“Ryukakusan”is a family medicine handed down through generations of the Satake clan of the Akita Domain since 1700s in Japan.

Ryukakusan Throat Refreshing Candy Shekwasha Flavor is a citrus flavored throat candy containing shekwasha juice grown in Okinawa.

Contains Ryukakusan herbal powder mainly using home grown herb, chamomile and Chinese quince, 19 flavors of herbal extracts. Contains shekwasha juice grown in Okinawa. You can enjoy refreshing yourself when your throat is dried or irritated.

Ingredients: Granulated sugar / Starch syrup / Herb powder / Mandarine shekwasha juice / Herb extract / Acidulant / Flavor / Colorant(Safflower yellow)