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YAMAMOTOKANPO 100% Young Barley Leaf Powder | 山本漢方 大麥若葉清汁

$10.85 USD
$10.85 USD
  • 廠商 YamamotoKanpo 山本漢方

本商品沒有一般青汁特有味道,是一款具有抹茶風味的美味青汁。採用使用經過水洗、乾燥、殺菌、微末化的100%純粉末大麥若葉,其是比起生菜還要更加簡單方便的100%蔬菜原材料。在大自然中培育, 富含礦物質、維他命、膳食纖維等天然的營養素。幫助維持全家的健康。搭配牛奶飲用風味更佳!已殺菌完畢、通過農藥測試、無添加。

 A delicious green juice produced by 100% pure powder of barley grasses. The barley grasses were washed, dried, sterilized, and finely powdered through the manufacturing process. Made by using 100% vegetables, it contains abundant amounts of nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and dietary fibers. It will help you and your family maintain good health. The taste becomes much better if you mix the powder with milk. Sterilized, pesticide residue testing conducted, free of additives. It does not have any peculiar smell or taste.