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On Kee 7-9 pcs/ Catty South Africa Dried Abalone 安記 特級生曬野生南非網鮑 7-9頭

$490.00 USD
$490.00 USD
Size: 半斤(3-4pcs 300g)
  • 廠商 ON KEE 安記

Origin : South Africa
Net Weight:
半斤(3-4pcs 300g)
一斤(7-9pcs 600g)

Features :South Africa Dried Abalone is stored for a shorter amount of time and a comparatively lower price than the Japan Dried Abalone. Sweet and delicate in flavour, it's succulent and chewy.

Nutritive Value :Abalone, Mild in nature, nourishing vital essence, rich in nutrient level and tonifying. High in protein level yet low in fat and sugar. With tons of dietary benefits such as nourishing vital fluid, relieving heatiness and vision improving.

Suggested Recipe : Dried abalones is the top ingredient used in luxurious Chinese cuisine. Usually stewed together with chicken, Chinese ham and pork ribs.

Cooking Method :South Africa Dried abalones have to be soaked until soft to absorb flavour. Use water to soak the dried abalone for two days. Remember to change the water every day or place them inside the refrigerator. Remove its bowels and cut off the stalk in its mouth. Rub and brush the edges and boil them with water for 45 minutes. Drain the boiled water, using a new pot of water along with chicken and pork ribs, boil for another 5 hours. Boil them for another 5 hours the next day.

Suitable for the general public to consume.

Storage Method : Stored at 0-8 degrees, For longer preservation, keep them sealed and chilled at -18 degrees.

產地 : 南非

特色 :水準僅次於日本乾鮑,南非乾鮑比較新水,同一頭數的南非鮑比日本乾鮑便宜上一截。南非乾鮑質素不俗,價錢相對便宜。鮑魚味夠鮮甜,有嚼頭口感夠實淨。

食療價值 :鮑魚,性平,滋陰補養,補而不燥。 鮑魚含有豐富的蛋白質,但脂肪及糖分含量低。具有滋陰,解熱明目等食療功用。口感嫩滑彈牙,味道鮮甜。

推介菜式 :乾鮑是名貴粵菜中的頂級食材。常見作法為配上老雞,金華火腿和排骨燜煮。

煮食方法 :南非鮑在烹調時需要先浸發,讓堅硬的乾鮑變軟,烹調時才能入味。用清水將鮑魚浸兩天,留意每天要換水或放入雪櫃。然後剪去腸臟及咀部,擦乾淨鮑魚邊。用清水煲45分鐘,不要留煲鮑魚的水。 換水再煲5小時,並加入老雞,排骨等材料。隔日再煲5小時。

適合人士 :一般人群均可食用。

儲藏方法: 存於0-8℃雪櫃